Get up! Pat your shoulders & get ready for the wild card entry!

Get up! Pat your shoulders and get ready for the wild card entry! If there is anybody at home to take care of my kids I would have excelled in my profession! My husband will not move a thing aside if I am not there at home. I don’t have freedom to do what I want to do in my house! My husband is not cooperative! My family is not supportive! I have ailing parents and parent in law at home! We don’t practise to seek help for house hold works from others. My mother in law is stone hearted! She will not take care of my kids she will only take care of her daughters! I don’t want to stay away from my kid for 12 hours and get stuck in my work when my kid is suffering here. After my kids birth I feel my health is not supportive. My only dream is to rise up an excellent kid as my parents did! To be a home maker you know how difficult it is! Am I the one who has to sacrifice for the family and be at home the whole day taking care of your entire family? Have I gone anywhere outside t...